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Domiciliación bancaria. Nº de cuenta (20 dígitos)

1. - The NIE/NIF/CIF should correspond to the applicant, and is required as proof to the Income Tax Office on Form 182 “Declaration of gifts, donations and other income received”, relating to donations received by Fundem in the previous year. In March of each year, Fundem will inform members that a certificate of accreditation is available to support the donation made in the previous year.
2. - Individuals. Declaration of tax IRPF: the said donation can give the right, within the specified legal limits, to the deduction specified in article 19.1 of Law 49/2002 dated 23rd December, and, when the applicant lives in the Comunidad Valenciana, to the regional deduction specified in article 4 of Law 13/1997 dated 23rd December which regulates the regional section of the Law of Taxes on the income of Individuals and other Taxes paid, in the edition published in article 32 of Law 11/2002 dated 23rd December, on tax measures, administravive and financial management and the organisation of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV 31/12/02 – BOE 04/02/03). Legal entities Declaration of the Societies’ Tax: the said donation can give the right, within the specified legal limits, to the deductions specified in articles 19 - 20 of Law 49/2002 dated 23rd December.
3. - In accordance with that specified in Fundamental Law 15/1999 dated 13rd December, personal details will be held on our database with the sole objective of sending out information on planned activities and the documentation created by becoming a member-collaborator and therefore will not be passed on to other external persons or entities. The Tax Office will be given the personal details required by them in the declarations that the organisation is obliged to make regarding gifts and donations received. Members-collaborators will have the right to access the information that concerns them and held on our database in order to rectify or cancel them by contacting FUNDEM (Fundación Enrique Montoliu).
4. - In subsequent years Fundem will charge the account of the applicant with the amount of the selected fee. If there are changes to the account, the member wishes to resign as a member-collaborator, etc., the applicant should inform the Foundation.

C.I.F.: G-96.555.560. Nº Registro Fundaciones: 256-V
Plaza Mariano Benlliure, 5, pta. 29. 46002 - Valencia
Teléfono y Fax: 963 523 099
E-mail: Web:

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